7 research outputs found

    How to Engage Customers on TikTok?

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    This research investigates the effects of marketer-generated content (i.e., emotional and rational), sounds, and influencers on digital customer engagement (i.e., likes and shares) on TikTok. Data were collected from 10 Indonesian food and beverage brands. The results confirm that emotional content generates more likes and shares than rational (i.e., informational and transactional) content. Conversely, rational (i.e., informational and transactional) posts receive more likes and shares than emotional posts. Additionally, original sounds and influencers positively influence likes and shares. This study advances social media and content marketing literature in three ways. First, this research is among the first to discuss the emerging social media of TikTok. Second, this investigation is the first to examine the audio format as an element influencing engagement. Third, this study focuses on Indonesia, a developing country that is rarely investigated in content marketing studies. Practically, our research findings can guide brands in creating engaging TikTok videos

    Pemasarasan Melalui Media Sosial di TikTok: Apakah Waktu dan Tipe Konten Memengaruhi Tingkat Keviralan?

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    This study aims to analyze the effects of posting time (i.e., days) and content characteristics on customer engagement (i.e., likes, shares, and comments) on TikTok. The total dataset was 815 posts collected from 9 culinary business accounts which products are on TikTok and offered to Indonesian consumers. Data were collected using content analysis and analyzed using negative binomial regression on SPSS. The results show that posting times and content characteristics have varying effects on likes, shares, and comments on TikTok. This research extends social media marketing and content marketing literatures through the discussion of TikTok as a short-video based social media platform. Practically, insights from this study can assist Indonesian businesses in maximizing the performance of their social media marketing and content marketing strategies


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    TikTok merupakan salah satu media sosial yang layak dipertimbangkan untuk diimplementasikan sebagai alat untuk pemasaran. Di Indonesia spesifiknya, sudah ada lebih dari 22 juta pengguna TikTok. Untuk membantu meningkatkan efektivitas pemasaran melalui TikTok, perlu ada studi empiris tentang faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi interaksi konten pada TikTok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kompleksitas visual dan tipe konten terhadap interaksi konten (jumlah suka, komentar, dan bagikan) pada TikTok. Total data sebanyak 647 unggahan dikumpulkan dari 7 akun bisnis yang memasarkan produknya pada TikTok untuk konsumen di Indonesia. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode analisis konten yang dikomputasi menggunakan regresi binomial negatif pada SPSS. Hasil analisis membuktikan bahwa kompleksitas visual tinggi berpengaruh negatif terhadap jumlah bagikan. Variabel Respon ke Komentar berpengaruh positif terhadap jumlah suka; variabel Produk, Respon ke Komentar, dan Review berpengaruh positif terhadap jumlah komentar; variabel Produk dan Review berpengaruh positif terhadap jumlah bagikan. Temuan riset juga menunjukkan bahwa variabel Respon ke Komentar dan Humor berpengaruh negatif terhadap jumlah bagikan. Penelitian ini dapat memperkaya literatur pemasaran media sosial sekaligus menjadi acuan bagi bisnis untuk membuat konten mereka viral di TikTok yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kinerja bisnis

    Customer Engagement Enhancement on Instagram : Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises

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    This study aims to examine the effects of visual aesthetics (i.e., classical and expressive) and lengths of textual information (LTI) on customer engagement (i.e., likes and comments) in the contexts of Instagram and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Data were collected through the content analysis on Instagram, consisting of 1,147 posts, 758,462 likes, and 24,059 comments from 10 fashion SMEs in Indonesia. The results demonstrate that longer LTI can improve likes and comments. In relation to visual aesthetics, while independently it has no effect on likes and comments, it negatively affects likes when combined with medium and long LTI. Theoretically, this study extends content marketing literature by discussing the roles of visual aesthetics and LTI in influencing customer engagement in the contexts of Instagram and SMEs. Practically, insights from this research can be applied to fashion SMEs' customer engagement enhancement strategies. Such a contribution is especially substantial given that it is evident that SMEs typically lack knowledge in developing effective content marketing strategies.nonPeerReviewe

    How to Engage Customers on TikTok?

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    This research investigates the effects of marketer-generated content (i.e., emotional and rational), sounds, and influencers on digital customer engagement (i.e., likes and shares) on TikTok. Data were collected from 10 Indonesian food and beverage brands. The results confirm that emotional content generates more likes and shares than rational (i.e., informational and transactional) content. Conversely, rational (i.e., informational and transactional) posts receive more likes and shares than emotional posts. Additionally, original sounds and influencers positively influence likes and shares. This study advances social media and content marketing literature in three ways. First, this research is among the first to discuss the emerging social media of TikTok. Second, this investigation is the first to examine the audio format as an element influencing engagement. Third, this study focuses on Indonesia, a developing country that is rarely investigated in content marketing studies. Practically, our research findings can guide brands in creating engaging TikTok videos.peerReviewe

    Can TikTok Sound Enhance Tourism SMEs’ Engagement?

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    This study explores the role of sound and its interaction with marketergenerated content (MGC) (i.e., emotional, informational, transactional) in influencing customer engagement (CE) (i.e., views and shares) in the context of tourism SMEs and TikTok. Content analysis was conducted to analyze data from 7 travel guide services in Indonesia. The final dataset comprised 660 TikTok videos, 4,092,289 views, and 10,920 shares. The results confirm that cover sound has no direct effect either on views or shares. Also, cover sound has no interaction effects with any MGC in impacting CE (i.e., views and shares). Individually, the MGC of emotional content has significant and positive effects on views, while informational and transactional posts have no significant effects on views. Further, transactional social media posts have significant and positive effects on shares, while informational and emotional posts have no significant effects on shares. Theoretically, this study expands content marketing and tourism CE literature by investigating factors driving CE in the context of tourism SMEs and TikTok. Practically, findings from this research can assist tourism SMEs in optimizing their content marketing strategies on TikTok.peerReviewe

    Becoming TikTok Famous : Strategies for Global Brands to Engage Consumers in an Emerging Market

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    This study examines the effects of content characteristics (i.e., informational and emotional characteristics), language, and nonverbal information on social media engagement (SME; i.e., likes, shares, and comments) in the context of global brands operating in an emerging market and implementing TikTok as a tool for social media marketing. The data set comprised 680 posts, 1,527,340 likes, 58,529 shares, and 18,743 comments collected from global smartphone brands’ TikTok accounts specifically targeting Indonesian consumers. The findings confirm that informational content mainly generates higher SME than emotional content. English and code-switched languages generally improve SME, whereas nonverbal information mostly has no significant effects. Furthermore, English and code-switched languages mainly have negative moderating effects on the relationship between content characteristics (both informational and emotional characteristics) and SME. Theoretically, this study provides a preliminary understanding of effective SME enhancement strategies for global brands targeting consumers on TikTok in emerging markets. Practically, the results of this research can provide guidelines for global brands engaging with consumers in emerging markets. These insights can also assist global brands in creating TikTok-famous content.peerReviewe